HTC at European Hydrogen Week in Brussels, November 20-24, 2023 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-11-29

HTC at European Hydrogen Week in Brussels, November 20-24, 2023


In the days of November 20-24, 2023, Brussels was held European Hydrogen Week (#EUH2week), an annual gathering of hydrogen economy representatives jointly organized by the European Commission, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and the associations Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research, in which we had the opportunity to participate.

During the event, it was possible to visit, among the other things, the stand of the NCP/NCBR and the Center for Hydrogen Technologies and get acquainted with the variety offer of HTC, possibilities of cooperation in areas such as R&D, innovation, commercialization and implementation of hydrogen solutions in industry showing foreign partners the significant Polish potential in this sector and inviting them to cooperate.

HTC had two presentations during our session:

Development of materials for alkaline electrolysis and solid oxide cells at Gdańsk University of Technology | Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Sebastian Molin Gdańsk Tech professor

Hydrogen production and storage technologies In GdanskTech Hydrogen Technology Centre | Ph.D. Izabela Wysocka.

Video from the European Hydrogen Week in Brussels is available HERE. KPK/NCBR

Photo report from the European Hydrogen Week in Brussels. NCBR photo.